Training Programs


Since 1989, Conflict Management Consortium (CMC) and its predecessor Mediate-Tech/Conflict Resolution (MTI) has offered training to individuals and public and private organizations in conflict prevention and resolution, and related human relations/organizational development topics.  CMC- trained graduates in the U.S. and abroad are using the skills taught to assist them in career development, dealing with workplace disputes, and in their work as managers, facilitators, and mediators.  All CMC training programs are presented in-person or virtually, by practicing professionals who bring their own valuable real-world experiences to the classroom.  The courses are approximately half informational and half experiential in nature.  Upon successful completion of a program, participants are awarded a CMC Certificate of Training.


Dispute Avoidance/Basic Negotiation

2, 4, 8 hours) This program is currently available via in-person, online or Zoom. The dispute continuum moves from informal discussion to more formalized discussion (also known as “negotiation”). It is designed to avoid conflict by teaching those skills such as active listening and active communication. Depending on the length of the program, it may also use role-playing or experiential (based on real negotiations) situations.

Orientation to Negotiation

(2 hours) This program provides an understanding of the dynamics of human conflict and a general knowledge of the negotiation process as a method of choice for resolving differences.

Introduction to Negotiation

(4 hours) This program is designed to assist people and organizations who are familiar with negotiation, but do not yet realize the potential for more powerful discussions aimed at resolving differences when all parties focus on “at stake” issues (those issues that are “must haves”). A demonstration is presented on how to uncover those issues.

Basic Negotiation

This course is designed for participants who are familiar with the process and have some experience negotiating. Developing a Negotiation Strategy and Plan is covered. Participants will discuss and engage in exercises using several negotiation scenarios.

Dispute Resolution/Basic Mediation Skills

This program provides training in basic mediation skills; understanding conflict; determining real at-stake issues; how to encourage creative solutions; dealing with emotions; ethical considerations; identifying and neutralizing power imbalances; and challenging role-plays.

Civil Mediation Skills

(20 Hours) This intermediate level program is a second level course following the introductory or basic mediation skills training. It teaches skills such as dealing with complex and technical issues; multi-party matters; relationship of counsel to the mediation process; use of outside resources/experts and how to deal effectively with breakdowns and obstacles to resolution.

Workplace/EEO Mediation Skills

(20 Hours) This is an intermediate level course. As its name implies, the concentration here is on workplace issues such as claims of discrimination, sexual harassment, poor working environment and work-based relationships. This has been CMC's most popular course in government and organizations and trains the mediator on how to deal with the rapid expansion of EEO and other workplace related claims.

Advanced Mediator Skills

(20 Hours) This advanced skills level course deals with complex, challenging issues confronting mediators. It covers the mediator or conflict resolution administrator responsibilities before, during and after the session(s). Major emphasis is on the mediated agreement and its legal effect and enforcement. Intense mentoring and coaching from the trainer staff is conducted for all participants. Completion of a minimum of 40 hours of Basic and Intermediate Mediation Skills is a prerequisite.

Organizational Mediation: Mediator Skills for Managers

(3 full days or 6 half days) It is accepted these days that traditional “top-down” management styles no longer work. Managers and Supervisors today must negotiate and collaborate with subordinates and peers. This course puts tools of the professional mediator into the hands of managers and supervisors. It uses the proven Relationship Awareness ® approach to assist in determining motivational styles and how people behave when things are going well or when they are in conflict. Results from this program will build better workplace relationships, provide additional leadership skills to managers, improve productivity, reduce conflict costs and increase employee satisfaction and retention.


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